Beautiful, Sustainable Building Design


Posted by admin on 13/11/2022 at 10:19 am

We had the pleasure of attending our first ever richtfest at our curvaceous Elanora Heights passivhaus project. Our wonderful clients Antje, Ute and Markus (also the builder) put on a wonderful spread, it was a lovely way to start a sunny Sydney weekend.

The word Richtfest roughly translates to ‘roofing ceremony’ or ‘build celebration’. The word richt comes from the verb aufrichten – to erect/set up, and das Fest is the German word for celebration.

The Richtfest typically occurs when the final beam is added to the roof of the new build but as this is a prefabricated structure (thanks Carbonlite) the roof is more complete than tradition requires.

A giant wreath called der Richtkranz is used to decorate the roof of the house, and a speech or poem known as der Richtspruch is spoken to mark the completion of the build and declare the house ‘open’. This speech usually calls upon God to bless and protect the house. The ceremony usually involves a Prost (toast) with Schnaps or another alcoholic drink.

The video below shows the short ceremony:

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